How do I uninstall EnFuzion3D on Windows?

Please note that there is no need to uninstall EnFuzion3D prior to an upgrade, unless Axceleon specifically tells you otherwise.

To uninstall EnFuzion3D on the User Submit Computers:

  • Choose Windows->Start->All Programs->EnFuzion->Uninstall EnFuzion.

To uninstall EnFuzion3D on the Control Root Computer:

  • Choose Windows->Start->All Programs->EnFuzion->Control Root Utilities->Stop EnFuzion Root Service,
  • Choose Windows->Start->All Programs->EnFuzion->Control Root Utilities->Unregister EnFuzion Root Service, and
  • Choose Windows->Start->All Programs->EnFuzion->Uninstall EnFuzion.

To uninstall EnFuzion3D on the Compute Nodes:

  • Choose Windows->Start->All Programs->EnFuzion->Compute Node Utilities->Stop EnFuzion Node Service,
  • Choose Windows->Start->All Programs->EnFuzion->Compute Node Utilities->Unregister EnFuzion Node Service, and
  • Choose Windows->Start->All Programs->EnFuzion->Uninstall EnFuzion.