A Linux based Compute Node doesn’t start, why?

Verify with the ps ax command that there is no enfnodeserver process.

Verify that the EnFuzion startup script is installed. The script is in the file /etc/init.d/enfnode.

If the file /etc/init.d/enfnode does not exist, go to the directory with an unpacked EnFuzion distribution, log in as a root user and execute:  ./install-svcnode

If the file /etc/init.d/enfnode exists, verify that EnFuzion is on the list of services that are started at the boot time. Execute the command:  chkconfig –list | grep enfnode

Output should include several on levels:  enfnode 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off

To start EnFuzion, execute the following command line:  /etc/init.d/enfnode start

If the enfnodeserver process is still not running, then check out the Node Server log. The log consists of two files in the /tmp directory. Files are called .enfnodea.log and .enfnodeb.log. EnFuzion uses a circular double buffering to keep the file sizes limited. The file with the latest entries contains the latest reports. The files contain any critical error messages by the Node.
If the problem is not evident from the Node Server log, then send a report to support@axceleon.com and include files .enfnodea.log and .enfnodeb.log.