How do I uninstall EnFuzion3D on OS X?

Please note that there is no need to uninstall EnFuzion3D prior to an upgrade, unless you are specifically told otherwise by Axceleon.

To uninstall EnFuzion3D on the User Submit Computers:

  • Delete the enfuzion directory from the computer user’s home directory. For example, for a user called bob, you need to delete the /Users/bob/enfuzion

To uninstall EnFuzion3D on the Control Root Computer:

  • Using the Activity Monitor, locate the processes called enfdispatcher and enfeye, and choose Quit Process to stop both processes.
  • Delete the enfuzion directory from the admin user’s home directory, i.e. the /Users/admin/enfuzion directory.
  • Delete the /Library/StartupItems/EnFuzion3D

To uninstall EnFuzion3D on the Compute Nodes:

  • Using the Activity Monitor, locate the process called enfnodeserver and use Quit Process to stop it.
  • Delete the enfuzion directory from the admin user’s home directory, i.e. the /Users/admin/enfuzion

Delete the /Library/StartupItems/EnFuzionNode directory.